Justitia enjoys partnering with organisations in the private and public sector to support their staff development, with a focus on what it takes to create a safe, supportive and inclusive workplace culture.

Our workplace training programmes include:

  • promoting appropriate workplace behaviours which covers sexual harassment, bullying, discrimination and inclusion
  • learning about best practices in conducting fair and effective workplace investigations, as well as complaint handling
  • learning about a methodology for successful difficult conversations.

Where we can, we seek to innovate through developing modules that can be tailored and pre-recorded, and then listened to by participants prior to more interactive group sessions.

We help workplace participants understand what is expected of them in order to achieve and sustain a culture that is consistent with their employer’s organisational values. We facilitate programmes that are thought-provoking and engaging, picking up on contemporary issues of the day. We put legal principles into context, but also provide participants with an opportunity to engage with each other and be heard.

We consider that providing a safe space to discuss the “grey areas” builds a deeper understanding of what is acceptable behaviour in the complex and dynamic environment that is the modern workplace.

Our training is regularly updated in the context of legislative change and relevant reviews such as Respect@Work. We are also always exploring topics we are passionate about;

Has sexual harassment prevention reached a tipping point in the legal profession?

Why Justitia?

  1. Our lawyers are highly sought after for our expertise in conflict resolution, conducting and advising on workplace investigations, and managing complex and sensitive workplace issues.
  2. We love helping clients build their internal capacity.
  3. We create a satisfying and supportive learning experience for participants (including online).
  4. Feedback from participants is consistently positive. In a recent training session our client, unprompted, introduced us as a firm that takes a humanistic and empathetic

What our training participants say:

“I thoroughly enjoyed it beginning to end and probably the best session I’ve been involved in across my 16 years!”

“I loved the open & honest discussion from staff and the way it was translated by the hosts.”

“There was no least beneficial aspect. I thought the session was detailed and to the point, with ample time for discussion and feedback.”

“I valued learning about how to approach a situation as an upstander.”

“Good use of time relative to a lot of other compliance driven training.”

“I found it really informative and it has made me think back and go through situations of the past and reflect. So, as long as everyone is leaving with at a few more insights moving forward, it will be a good thing.”

Who to contact so we can discuss how we can partner with you

If you would like to know more about any of Justitia’s training programmes please reach out to Melissa Scadden and Sarah Rey.