Blog Posts

Changes to flexible working arrangements come in 6 June 2023 – what do I need to know?

May 30, 2023|

Flexible working arrangements will become part of the Australian workplace norm from 6 June 2023. This is when the flexible work provisions of the Fair Work Act 2009 are set to change. Read here for more on how this can impact you as an employer!

With COVID cases on the rise, should you pay staff for time spent adhering to infection control policies?

December 7, 2022|

In Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation v Jeta Gardens (QLD) Pty Ltd, the Commission found that an employer was liable to pay staff for on-site RAT testing 15 minutes before each shift. Being in an aged-care, high-risk scenario, the decision is specific to its facts. However, it provides useful insight about how the FWC is handling these scenarios.

High-profile US corporations Held Accountable for Illegal Discrimination

November 21, 2022|

Recent cases in the United States show the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) recovering significant compensation from various corporations for victims of discrimination and victimisation (referred to as retaliation in the US). Compensation was payable for violations of Title VII of the US Civil Rights Act 1964.

The Newest Addition to the NES: What do employers need know about the new entitlement to paid family and domestic violence leave?

November 15, 2022|

The upcoming amendments to the Fair Work Act 2009 change the current five days of unpaid leave for family and domestic violence (FDV) to a paid entitlement of ten days’ leave. This will be an entitlement arising under the National Employment Standards (NES). 

How Local Government councillors are addressing their workplace culture

November 15, 2022|

Part of a Councillor’s role is to engage in robust debate on the issues of the day and advocate on matters in the interests of their communities. Unfortunately, at some Councils the poor conduct of individual Councillors is getting in the way of Council business. As leaders in their community Local Government Councillors need to foster a culture where they can be effective decision makers. Read about how the internal arbitration process in the Local Government Act 2020 works to address workplace culture issues and how some Councillors are taking the lead to get things done.

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